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We have a NEW WEBSITE!! Come on over to this space for all the episodes and extras that you have here, plus some new features, soon to include transcripts of every episode!

Views expressed in this podcast are solely those of its creator, who does not speak on behalf of any other person or entity.

Episode 36 extras

Sep 25, 2018

We mentioned the chaining of the convicts at Bicêtre here again, so I will again link to Le Dernier Jour d'un condamné (The Last Day of a Condemned Man) in French and in English; the chapter describing such a chaining is chapter 13.

Bicêtre is on our Google map in the Part 2 layer, and in the current Part 4 layer, I...

Episode 35 extras

Sep 18, 2018

All we have in extras again today is maps: our Google map, with the three new houses on it, and maps from 1823 and 1830 to compare it...

Sep 18, 2018

Places where we do, and don't, want to see roses.

Episode 34 extras

Sep 11, 2018

Since we've mentioned The Sorrow of Young Werther again, here is a link to the text in English.

And we have a few new places on our Google map, many of which will make more sense on the 1823...